Deep Survival–Who Lives, Who Dies and Why

Author: Laurence Gonzales

I read two books by Laurence Gonzalez, and found Deep Survival to be more enjoyable. Gonzalez, a freelance writer, a bit of an adventurer, a pilot and the son of a B-17 pilot in World War II enjoyed reading accident reports, science and writing. This combination of skills and interests led him to take the journey to uncover why some people survive significant setbacks, while others perish.

In Deep Survival, the reader discovers accident stories from mountain climbing to plane wrecks to ship wrecks.  Gonzales provides just the right amount of detail for each incident while he puts together a pattern of what it takes to stay alive.

Gonzales builds his “Rules of Adventure,” which are a good start for anyone interested in outdoor activities to read. Frankly, the information, while not couched as advice, is applicable to helping handle life’s challenges as well. And, the people who survive are not necessarily the obvious choices.

Maybe I enjoyed the book because I read it right after finishing my Pop’s biography, Never Fly a Broken Plane, where he shares brief stories of his escapades as both a test pilot and reconnaissance pilot. Reading Gonzalez’s stories of other survivors, I found most of the key traits in my own father.

I’m glad I opened Deep Survival after hearing about it as a side note in a podcast. It’s a page turner. And let’s face it, lessons learned through others’ adventures are less painful!

Grab a copy. You’ll be glad you did.

LK Greer

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