Seven Sets of Horseshoes: An American Journey

Seven Sets of Horseshoes: An American Journey by Lynn Lloyd

Back in the 1970s, Lynn Lloyd was a young gal with a horse and a dog. She saved a little money and left her home state of Pennsylvania on horseback, headed for her grandparents’ home in California. Spoiler alert: she and the dog are successful. She ends up trading horses, but all’s well in the end.

The book gets off to a bumpy start with the death of her horse before her journey even begins. Admittedly, I started reading this book, but put it down after the first chapter. Over a year later, it landed on the top of one of my reading stacks again. If Lynn could ride cross country, the least I could do is read her adventures.

If you only read literary masterpieces, this story isn’t for you. But Lynn does a great job cataloging her journey and the people she meets along the trail. Lynn has a special bond with horses, as well as a wonderful friendship with Kristin. She makes quite a name for herself during her travels, a lone young woman on the open road.

No credit card, no GPS, no cell phone. Just her thoughts, a loving dog and a few awesome horses. I am thrilled to recommend this book to horse lovers everywhere.

If you want to read Seven Sets of Horseshoes, you won’t find it at many of the usual spots. I bought it on a lark from an herb farm. Strange combination, but the author is the sister of one of the owners.

And, since Healing Spirits has a flat rate shipping charge, take a look around. Their cough syrup is the absolute of the best around. Their dog’s hot spot spray is good as well. In fact, I’m a fan of several of their products. Check ‘em out!

Healing Spirits Seven Sets Link

Happy Trails!

LK Greer