book review Archive

Seven Sets of Horseshoes: An American Journey

Seven Sets of Horseshoes: An American Journey by Lynn Lloyd Back in the 1970s, Lynn Lloyd was a young gal with a horse and a dog. She saved a little money and left her home state of Pennsylvania on horseback, headed for her grandparents’ home in California. Spoiler alert: she and the dog are successful. She ends up trading horses, but all’s well in the…

Doctors from Hell–The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans

Doctors from Hell By Vivien Spitz With a title like, Doctors from Hell, it’s easy to walk the other way, hoping to find a more relaxing literary escape. We’ve heard the story of the Nuremberg Trials following the Holocaust. Why keep looking at that awful part of our history? We face so many other problems now. That’s a difficult sentiment to refute. However, Vivien Spitz’s…

Deep Survival–Who Lives, Who Dies and Why

Author: Laurence Gonzales I read two books by Laurence Gonzalez, and found Deep Survival to be more enjoyable. Gonzalez, a freelance writer, a bit of an adventurer, a pilot and the son of a B-17 pilot in World War II enjoyed reading accident reports, science and writing. This combination of skills and interests led him to take the journey to uncover why some people survive…

Cold a Long Time (Uncovering the Mystery Surrounding the Death of a Pro Hockey Player)

Cold a Long Time. An Alpine Mystery Author: John Leake The True Crime genre—not one I typically grab. But when Texas author John Leake recommended his book, Cold a Long Time, I decided to try something new. Having already enjoyed John’s prose in articles, it was fun to pick up something different. John poses thought provoking questions, isn’t afraid to ask unusual questions and writes…