Cold a Long Time (Uncovering the Mystery Surrounding the Death of a Pro Hockey Player)

Cold a Long Time. An Alpine Mystery

Author: John Leake

The True Crime genre—not one I typically grab. But when Texas author John Leake recommended his book, Cold a Long Time, I decided to try something new. Having already enjoyed John’s prose in articles, it was fun to pick up something different. John poses thought provoking questions, isn’t afraid to ask unusual questions and writes with style and purpose.

Besides, why not read different kinds of materials? You never know what you’ll discover. As it turns out, the book was quite interesting. See what you think.

John details the family’s 20-plus year search for the truth surrounding the disappearance of their son, Duncan MacPherson, a young, pro hockey player. Duncan, always close to his family, disappeared at an Austrian ski resort on August 11, 1989. Fourteen years after his death, Duncan’s body was recovered, prompting more questions, along with a host of characters protecting the truth from being unearthed.

The book is a quick read and has a few rays of hope. Duncan’s family never gave up and never turned to hate and cynicism. They clearly loved their son, each other and humankind.  John outlines the ways people tried to deceive the family, which can provide good examples of fraudulent behavior for many of us.

While some might say mystery is a lucrative business, John indicated Cold a Long Time had not been one of his better selling publications. Still, it’s clear that John took the time to pour over all the details to put together a time line and uncover clues to help answer the mystery of what happened to Duncan MacPherson. As a lawyer, I appreciate John’s ability to put together the facts and the unanswered questions in a way that a case can be appropriately evaluated.

Through John’s writing, anyone can start learning how to lead a search for truth. The MacPhersons were fortunate to have John help put the pieces together.

The book is still available for purchase. A few links to get a copy are included below:

Thrift Books


Barnes and Noble


LK Greer