Just for Fun Archive

English Language–Talk is Cheap, but Tricky!

When money talks, does anyone critique its word choice, spelling or grammar? It’s a wonder anyone ever learns the English language with all of its rule and exceptions. Never fear. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus, is always here. Tonight, instead of working on my current book project, I’ve decided to “go off on a tangent.” Is anyone else perplexed by the rules of the English…

Cleaning House is as easy as Pressing a Button

“Step away from the keyboard,” I hear Keith telling me as he walks through the room. A pretty common statement in our household. But this week brought a new twist. Does anyone around here clean up their data, pictures, emails, texts or documents? I mean really clean them up? I mean wipe them off your actual computer, not just the phone? Of course you do!…

Words beyond “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

Have you ever noticed that some words are just fun to say? Okay. So you may not have given the subject much consideration now that you’re a serious adult. Seriously! Seriously? What makes a word fun to say? Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins taught us the fun of saying (even singing), “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (which MS Word spellcheck corrected for me). And on a related note, what…

$1,200 for a Meatball? Make Mine PB&J.

What happens when a stem cell biologist unites with a cardiologist to pursue a new idea? Check out Memphis Meats—growing beef, duck and chicken in a laboratory. You might say Memphis Meats is growing cells instead of cows. Vegetarians may one day have an alternative to abstaining from meat. Memphis Meats is producing cultured meat. I wonder if you drink your wine or beer from…